THE BACK… by bottles&glasses


... by bottles&glasses

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We offer the back via reservations/bookings to small groups who wish to use the space for personal events. Our team will assist in ensuring everything goes according to plan.

The Back accommodates gatherings of up to 30 people. Grills and finger-foods can be catered for by Taste Colony.


We also work with companies who have periodic team-bonding activities.

With its comfy sofas and armchairs, The Back is a cozy space for friends and colleagues to meet recreationally or professionally to enjoy light meals, snacks and cocktails throughout the day and evening.


Located in the Bottles&Glasses backyard, the thoughtfully decorated space is a showcase of unique design touches,and the carefully curated artisanal liquors lined up in the glowing bar.

Contact Us

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For general enquiries regarding Booking The Back for events and gatherings, please call +234 909 444 4485 or email [email protected]


Plot 8, Kusenla Road
Ikate, Lekki

Please see our booking pricing and guidelines for your perusal.

the back

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